bear Miri

Bear MIRI (2000 - 2019)

was a quiet, gentle bear


Miri arrived at the BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach on 6 October, 2015. Until then, she had lived together with her two young offspring Erich and Emma in a small concrete enclosure in a park in Upper Austria. Officials closed down the park in 2012. FOUR PAWS took in the bears and transferred them to the BEAR SANCTUARY in Arbesbach.

Miri was a quiet and very gentle bear. She was the first one of the family who tried to eat tomatoes and cucumbers (which they didn´t know before).
She enjoyed, walking around or having a bath.
At the beginning of June 2019 she suddenly changed her behaviour. She ate very little and hardly came out of the den. After the veterinarians had examined her, it sadly was clear, that she had to be put to sleep. She was suffering from pancreas cancer. 

 It was a great honour for us, to care for her at least for these few years. 

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